Ad Rates

*Rates that are listed below are per month

Top of Page Sponsorship Ad - Run of Site (ROS)
  1 Month 3 Month 6 Month 12 Month
468x60 $2,250 $1,750 N/A N/A

Right Navigation Ads - Run of Site (ROS)
  1 Month 3 Month 6 Month 12 Month
120x 60 $850 $675/mo $525/mo $400/mo
120x90 $900 $700/mo $550/mo $425/mo
120x240 $1,200 $1,000/mo $850/mo $675/mo

Ad Design $175-$275

Interested in PRINT ADS (in our print edition)? Please contact or call 516-225-4400 for discounted rates.