Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor:

Hello, I'm French and as you should know, in my country, Jewish Community is a target for anti-Semitism acts.

I think it's important that all Jewish communities across the world support each other. We need the help of North American Jewish Community in particular. So if you want to help us, tell your readers and your web site visitors about this petition be given to French authorities: "Petition against anti-Semitism in France and Europe":

France : the country of the Rights of Man, the birthplace of secularism where all cultures and religions are accepted, with respect for the rights of each one? France, our France, is breaking up today. Is it acceptable to no longer be able to see demonstrations taking place without them being accompanied by hateful and racist slogans? Is it acceptable to no longer be able to read a single newspaper, to watch a single television program without seeing the sickening anti-Semitism that we thought we were rid of become commonplace?

Is it acceptable for school children to be insulted and molested in their very establishments simply because of their religion?" What superior reason should oblige us to endure this unleashing of hatred in the universities that should never have ceased to be the sanctuaries of the Republic? Is it acceptable for citizens to be obliged to hide any sign of religious belonging in public places, lest they be attacked? We expect acts, not speeches! We have no intention of abandoning France to this single mode of thinking that has ravaged, in a few months, all the wealth patiently accumulated over the centuries in our country that was that of the Enlightenment. You can sign it on: http://www.primo-europe.org/petitionen.php.

Thank you for your help.
Raphael Chemla

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