Jewish Post

Email Exchange Between Jewish Post Publisher & Nathaniel Styer, Spokesman for Chancellor Banks

Key points of an Email exchange between Jewish Post publisher & Nathaniel Styer, spokesman for Chancellor Banks as well as to contacts at the Mayor's office.

Sent January 30, 2024.

Dear Chancellor Banks,

I participated in the recent ethnic media roundtable on your plans to combat Antisemitism, Islamophobia and hate and if you mean what you said then you must read this attachment and take appropriate action!

Virtual Innovators Academy claims to be NYC's Department of Education's first virtual high school. Their website is:

They are promoting a planned Zoom Feb. 3 from 10am-12 organized by Educators for Palestine dealing with "the history of Israeli occupation and the ongoing genocide in Gaza" to present and share original lessons and materials likely to make high school students into anti-Israel activists.

This Zoom must be canceled by you.

A high school that is part of the NYC Department of Education must not be allowed to spew hateful propaganda against the Jewish people and Israel.

Feb. 2nd follow up email to Chancellor Banks' spokesperson, Mr. Styer:

A few days ago I sent you an urgent request to cancel tomorrow's (Sat, Feb 3) virtual curriculum share that is antisemitic and anti Israel with no response.

Well, today the New York Post responded to my outreach and you can read on page 9.

Not only is the Jewish Post outraged about this issue, but so is Voices for Truth and Humanity ( where I am an officer and New York's major Jewish organizations who have been informed about this as well.


What are YOU going to do about it?

On February 2nd Mr. Styer responded:

Hi - This conference is not affiliated with, endorsed, or hosted by NYCPS in any way, as such we have no authority over whether or how it is conducted. The principal followed up with the recipients of the forwarded email, who were not her staff, to clarify that she does not endorse this event, nor was it her intent to promote it.

All reported allegations are investigated in accordance with the nature of the complaint, and our response is tailored to each individual matter. Due to privacy concerns we do not publicly report on outcomes.

As the Chancellor has repeatedly said - our regulations define that political activity has no place in our schools. Our job is to educate, not indoctrinate. That means using objective, balanced resources that help students form their own opinions about world events.

Levy's response to Mr. Styer's email:

I have an issue when you completely seem to wash your collective hands of this event.

You see, the email we received was forwarded as a "Sharing this resource" and signed by Terri Grey, Principal, Virtual Innovators Academy on VIA letterhead. VIA is an official school NYC (#X636).

In addition, she signed her email: With Appreciation, Your Partner in Education and Proud Principal, Terri Grey.

You are misleading in your statement that the Principal "does not endorse this event, nor was it her intent to promote it” when her sign off and forwarding of this announcement indicates exactly the opposite.

In fact, you should want to know the email trail to determine if Principal Grey's list of associations and educators.

If Chancellor Banks and Mayor Adams want to be taken seriously as champions of the fight against antisemitism, Islamophobia and hate it is incumbent on them to condemn this seminar and calling for its cancelation, whether or not it is under their auspices, and to undertake an investigation of Principal Grey for promoting this as well as any other teachers working for the City of New York

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