Jewish Post

Jewish Post’s 50th Anniversary Celebration

By Henry Levy

(From left) Vanessa Gibson, Bronx Borough President concluding her remarks to applause with Henry Levy, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Salman, retired Justice NYS Supreme Court, Bronx., Gloria Kins and Elaine Levy.
(From left) Vanessa Gibson, Bronx Borough President concluding her remarks to applause with Henry Levy, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Salman, retired Justice NYS Supreme Court, Bronx., Gloria Kins and Elaine Levy.
Photo by Raymond James, Vitruvius Productions

There it was in the Classified Section of the New York Times, “Jewish Newspaper for Sale”. It was 1992 and I did not want a newspaper, especially a Jewish paper, to cease publication.

Back in 1970, I started a community newspaper with two friends in Flushing that over the years became the Queens Tribune, so printers ink was already in my blood. After careful consideration and several meetings, I was the new owner and publisher of the Jewish Post of New York.

It has been a labor of love for me these past 32 years and now is the 50th anniversary of the independent Jewish Post. That is remarkable considering how many publications, including large daily papers throughout the country, have folded in the past decade. During COVID that had accelerated greatly as event and store advertising revenue dried up with people confining themselves, and working from home. Attempts to attract new readers, especially among the younger demographic who are mostly getting their news online and from social media, has produced other challenges to the viability of print media.

The Jewish Post’s focus has never been religious. We focused on Jewish news in New York, the United States, Israel and worldwide. Early on we reached out and covered stories about Black-Jewish relations and Muslim-Jewish relations always focusing on reaching out, creating a dialogue, understanding and respecting each other.

The Jewish Post was the first Jewish paper in New York to go online in 1995 when many people had no idea what the internet or websites were. Today, it continues to be proactive focusing on the need to educate our youth to stop hate, and never again to stand silently by when Jewish people are targeted by vicious acts of antisemitism.

As publisher of the Jewish Post I am on the executive board of an all-volunteer 501(c)3 non-profit, Voices for Truth and Humanity, whose goal is to ensure that a Holocaust, Slavery and Genocide curriculum is being taught in all public schools across America. So far, through our efforts and those working with us, Governor Hochul and the NYS Assembly allocated $500,000 to establish such a curriculum and we will remain vigilant to see the process through.

In 2021 Voices, the Jewish Post and our partner organizations created the Light up America Yellow initiative so that on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, January 27th, major landmarks would be lit up yellow to remember the 11 million victims of the Holocaust, which includes 6 million Jews and 1.5 million children. Through public ceremonies, led by Governors and County Executives we ensured that the lessons of the Holocaust were not forgotten. This effort started in New York State and last year expanded to eight states that included Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Arkansas, Illinois and Oklahoma. When all fifty states are lit up yellow as well as the White House, we will consider ourselves successful.

On November 20, 2024 the Jewish Post held its 50th Anniversary Celebration at the residence of Gloria Starr Kins in Manhattan. The Druzhinsky family, owners of MatchPoint NYC and Big Dreams Child Care Center was a gracious main sponsor. It was a wonderful evening bringing together supporters of the Jewish Post and new friends of the publication - people from all walks of life, diverse cultures and backgrounds.

Ms. Kins is publisher of the Society and Diplomatic Review and is the oldest correspondent and dean of the United Nations Press Corps. Among the guests at the celebration were the distinguished Deputy Consul General of Kosovo, Fatmir Zajmi and representatives from Iraq, Romania, Israel, Russia, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Bangladesh, Poland and other countries.

Also joining us were Moshe David, Jewish liaison for Mayor Adams’ Community Affairs Unit, Vanessa Gibson, Bronx Borough President, JD Michaels, executive director of the Mayor’s Office of Ethnic and Community Media, Jude Elie, candidate for the presidency of Haiti, Barry Salman, former justice of NYS Supreme Court, Bronx County in addition to philanthropists, leaders in finance, real estate, construction, scientists university professors, attorneys, doctors and architects. There were international entertainers, Ron Eliran and Zamira Chen, the actor Alex Garfin from the TV series Superman and Lois, Luisa Lopez Celada, award winning painter born and raised in Spain. In short, it was reminiscent of a Parisian salon with a truly international flavor led by our gracious host, Gloria Kins.

It was most gratifying to have such a remarkable group of individuals turn out for this special event and to hear the appreciation and praise for the important work of the Jewish Post over the past fifty years.

Henry and Elaine Levy with Ron Eliran, “Israel’s Ambassador of Song” and Zamira Chen, renowned Israeli singer and performer
Henry and Elaine Levy with Ron Eliran, “Israel’s Ambassador of Song” and Zamira Chen, renowned Israeli singer and performer

Henry Levy, Publisher, Jewish Post and Fatmir Zammi, Deputy Consul Generl of Kosovo
Henry Levy, Publisher, Jewish Post and Fatmir Zammi, Deputy Consul Generl of Kosovo

Henry Levy speaking (to his right) Fatmir Zajmi, Deputy Consul General of Kosovo, Gloria Kins, Alain Seckler, Luxenbourg UN attorney, friend, Barry Salman, retired Justice NYS Supreme Court, Bx, Tomaczek Bednarek, producer/director, Fran Spilke, author/philanthropist, (to levy’s left) Gennaro Durso, CEO Genescape, assistant to Bronx Borough President, JD Michaels, Executive Director, Mayor’s Office of Ethnic and Community Media, Elias Wexler, Executive Director, Romanian-American Chamber of Commerce, Jennifer Meirowitz, active at Kehilath Jeshurun & Ramaz, and Luisa Lopez Celada, award winning artist
Henry Levy speaking (to his right) Fatmir Zajmi, Deputy Consul General of Kosovo, Gloria Kins, Alain Seckler, Luxenbourg UN attorney, friend, Barry Salman, retired Justice NYS Supreme Court, Bx, Tomaczek Bednarek, producer/director, Fran Spilke, author/philanthropist, (to levy’s left) Gennaro Durso, CEO Genescape, assistant to Bronx Borough President, JD Michaels, Executive Director, Mayor’s Office of Ethnic and Community Media, Elias Wexler, Executive Director, Romanian-American Chamber of Commerce, Jennifer Meirowitz, active at Kehilath Jeshurun & Ramaz, and Luisa Lopez Celada, award winning artist.

(From left) Ron Eliran, famous Israeli singer, Dan & Phyllis Rosensten, UBS Financial Services & attorney, Rabbi Moshe Davis, Mayor’s Office Senior Liaison, Community Affairs, Alex Garfin, actor, Superman & Lois TV show, Zamira Chen, Israeli performer, Oksana Korets with her daughter and son Dennis Druzhinsky, MatchPoint NYC & Big Dreams Child Care Center, Dr. Mark Meirowitz, professor, SUNY Maritime College, Iraqi businessman and Joseph Krebs, National Communications Associate, Jewish National Fund
(From left) Ron Eliran, famous Israeli singer, Dan & Phyllis Rosensten, UBS Financial Services & attorney, Rabbi Moshe Davis, Mayor’s Office Senior Liaison, Community Affairs, Alex Garfin, actor, Superman & Lois TV show, Zamira Chen, Israeli performer, Oksana Korets with her daughter and son Dennis Druzhinsky, MatchPoint NYC & Big Dreams Child Care Center, Dr. Mark Meirowitz, professor, SUNY Maritime College, Iraqi businessman and Joseph Krebs, National Communications Associate, Jewish National Fund

Henry Levy speaking (to his right) Fatmir Zajmi, Deputy Consul General of Kosovo, Gloria Kins, Alain Seckler, Luxenbourg UN attorney, friend, Barry Salman, retired Justice NYS Supreme Court, Bx, Tomaczek Bednarek, producer/director, Fran Spilke, author/philanthropist, (to levy’s left) Gennaro Durso, CEO Genescape, assistant to Bronx Borough President, JD Michaels, Executive Director, Mayor’s Office of Ethnic and Community Media, Elias Wexler, Executive Director, Romanian-American Chamber of Commerce, Jennifer Meirowitz, active at Kehilath Jeshurun & Ramaz, and Luisa Lopez Celada, award winning artist.
Jude Elie, candidate for President of Haiti speaking (to his right) Mr. & Mrs. Barry Salman, scientist, Gennaro Durso, CEO Genescape, Dante Sanchez, Dominican Republic, (to Elie’s right) Vanessa Gibson, Bronx Borough President, friend of Ms. Kins, Elaine Levy, Alain Seckler, UN Political Affairs Officer, Africa Division, Jennifer Meirowitz and JD Michaels, Executive Director, Mayor’s Office of Ethnic and Community Media.

Gloria Starr Kins, President & Founder, Society & Diplomatic Review with long time friend and associate, Henry Levy, Jewish Post Publisher at her spectacular Manhattan residence
Gloria Starr Kins, President & Founder, Society & Diplomatic Review with long time friend and associate, Henry Levy, Jewish Post Publisher at her spectacular Manhattan residence

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