Omer Neutra’s funeral service viewed around the world
By Henry Levy
When the news was released by the Israeli Government, “based on intelligence”, that Omer Neutra was not alive, and had not been alive the past 423 days, it was so shocking that one did not process it right away. Omer’s parents, Orna and Ronen have been a continual presence in the media ever since October 7th when their son went missing. They appeared in Israel and throughout the United States on any show that would provide them the opportunity to tell their story and plea for their son’s release. They gave a key speech at the Republican National Convention. They met with President Joe Biden to plead for his help. And, of course, they were no strangers to the Long Island community where they raised their two boys. Midway Jewish Center was where Omer had his Bar Mitzvah, and now, on December 3rd it is where his funeral service was held.
How despicable is Hamas, and each and every person be they Palestinian, American or anyone else that praises them?
Hamas knew from Day One that Omer was not alive, because they murdered him. Yet they remained silent adding to the daily torture of Omer’s family, Omer’s friends, and the entire Jewish nation.
Remember this when Hamas begs for a cease fire. Remember this when Hamas says it is ready for a peace deal. Remember this and do not ever believe what they say because they always lie. Hamas never wants peace. All Hamas wants is to see every Jewish person in the world dead. Get it? Got it? Good!
Tuesday, December 3rd was not a day for recriminations however. It was a day to remember a wonderful human being, a leader, a hero to the Jewish people. It was a day to share memories as his friends showed us Omer’s playful side as well as his caring side. There was some laughter and far too many tears.
Rabbi Joel Levenson of Midway JC and his predecessor, Rabbi Rafi Rank gave moving tributes to Omer
Omer graduated high school from Schecter School of Long Island, a Jewish day school. He was an honors student, loved sports, showing his leadership qualities as captain of his soccer, volleyball and basketball teams. He was an avid Knicks fan. He participated in Jewish organizations. As his friend Alyssa said, whenever he saw someone alone in a room, he went over and brought that person into the conversation, into the group. He was highly intelligent, which included street smarts. He had a way of understanding people and that made him such a good friend.
Omer’s parents both had dual Israeli and American citizenship and both served in the IDF. They moved to America 25 years ago. It seemed natural that when Omer took a gap year after high school he spent it in Israel. During that time, friends he made joined the army for their military service and his love for Israel led him to do the same. On October 7th, at age 21, he was a platoon commander stationed at a small base near the Gaza border when Hamas conducted its horrific sneak attack. According to Israeli authorities Neutra “fought to the end” while in an “isolated, disabled tank”.
Ronen Neutra being consoled by a close friend
Ronen Neutra said of the 14 months no stone was left unturned to gain his release, “ We were so focused that we totally ignored other options, that he might have been killed, as he rushed to protect the border with his tank. I was told that he gave brave, mature commands to the other tank he was commanding and to the Golani troops, and split them apart to save their lives.” Ronen added, “Omer, how did you know how to make each person feel special, and how many girl’s hearts did you break.” Ronen concluded by saying, “Now it’s Israel’s turn to show its love and get him and all his team and everybody else back. With 101 hostages still there, their families are craving to get them back.”
Orna Neutra called him “my beautiful strong, 6’2’ smiley boy”. She spoke of praying for a sign of life and not getting any how now things are clear but not as she hoped, leaving a void, a big hole, in her stomach. She acknowledged the encouragement and support, the daily messages of hope and love from so many people that they never felt alone.
Omer’s brother, Daniel, mentioned Omer’s tradition of having the “bro talk” when dreams, friends, goals and struggles were discussed and added, “I can’t describe how important they were”. Daniel urged, “the greatest honor we can give to him is to rescue the people he gave his life to protect. We must continue his life’s work.”
Daniel Neutra getting a hug from a friend
Also attending the service, but not speaking were Governor Hochul, Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman, Israeli-American lawmaker, Mazi Pilip, ADL CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt, Eric Post from AJC, Mindy Perlmutter, JCRC LI, Angel Cepeda and Glenn Landow from Voices for Truth and Humanity and many others.
It should be noted, that for almost ten minutes prior to the Neutra family’s arrival in the sanctuary where the memorial service was held, the room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. That was extraordinary for such an immense crowd and spoke to the sanctity of the moment and the depth of feeling for Omer and his family from all those present.
The funeral service was live streamed, on YouTube, covered by major media here and abroad and can be viewed on many outlets.
Nassau County mounted patrol providing security
Standing room only for the service in Midway Jewish Center’s main sacnctuary and adjacent room accommodated 1500 people