Two Weeks in Abbas' Palestinian Authority
By David P. Drimer
Zionist Organization of America

PA�s President, Mahmoud (Abu-Maazen) Abbas. Accusing Israel of having disseminate drugs among thousands of Palestinian youth.
Photo: Amos Ben Gershom/GPO for Israel Sun
NY -- On June 27, several Palestinian Authority (PA) officials accused Israel of having a policy to disseminate drugs among thousands of Palestinian youth. The District Governor of the cities of Ramallah and El-Bireh, Laila Ghannam, was reported as saying in a meeting with the Italian Consul-General, Giampaolo Cantini, that "the spread of the plague of drugs among the Palestinian young generation is a deliberate act by the Israeli occupation" and that the world's attention to "occupation's (i.e., Israel's) efforts to humiliate our youth, to break their willpower, and to distance them from their (Palestinian) cause and their principles, by spreading drugs among them...
Laila Ghannam emphasized that the Israeli occupation does not hesitate to exercise all forms of control over our youth, using dirty and inhuman methods" (PA official daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 27, 2012).
Palestinian Authority�s social worker Sonia Diba said that, "residents of Jerusalem are falling victim to drugs, because (Israel) distributes huge quantities of them, in addition to the increasing unemployment and the lack of centers and institutions in Jerusalem to absorb the children and adolescent youth, causing them to turn to drugs, which are distributed with the aid of the occupation and its branches" (Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 27, 2012).
Jericho and Jordan Valley District Governor, Majed Al-Fatiani, said in his opening address to a seminar on drug abuse that "the Israeli occupation is encouraging and turning a blind eye to [drug] dealers and their efforts to distribute drugs, through a systematic policy to destroy Palestinian society, targeting the youth" (Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 27, 2012).
Also, the Jenin District Governor, Talal Dweikat, said at an event marking the opening of the International Week against Drug Abuse, under the slogan, 'Yes to life, no to drugs,' that "it is important to unify the efforts of the official and popular institutions in order to deal with this plague, which is dangerous for our society, especially since the Israeli occupation is not satisfied with the military occupation of Palestinian land, but also seeks to harm the Palestinian people and to destroy it and its national enterprise, as a continuation of its Zionist enterprise" (Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 27, 2012, all translations in 'PA: Israel spreads drugs to destroy Palestinian society,' PMW bulletin, July 1, 2012).
On July 13, a Palestinian "artist" was interviewed on official Fatah/PA TV regarding his painting showing Israel, identified by skullcaps and the Star of David, depicted as an ogre, impaling children on his bayonet and eating them one by one. On the lower right of the picture, dead children are piled up to be eaten and two baby ogres are also shown eating children. The PA TV interviewer has the following exchange with the "artist":
PA TV host: "Artist Abd Al-Hai Msallam has been dealing with the Palestinian nation's problems such as the Gaza massacres. What have you been working on lately?"
Artist Abd Al-Hai Msallam: "This painting is about the Gaza massacre. Here I show the people, the kids, and the Zionist enemy's cruelty and savagery." (PA TV (Fatah), July 13, 2012, translation in 'Israel is monster that eats Palestinian children, in Palestinian art on PA TV,' PMW bulletin, July 23, 2012).
On July 16, the PA, which has in the past named public squares, a computer center, tournaments and numerous events in honor of the Jew-killing terrorist, Dalal Mughrabi, published in its official daily newspaper an article praising the dead terrorist. Mughrabi led the 1978 Fatah terrorist attack on an Israeli civilian bus, leading to the coastal road massacre, in which 37 Israeli civilians, including a dozen children, were murdered.
In a report on the recent summer camp named in Mughrabi's honor, titled, 'Sisters of Dalal,' the Governor of the Jericho district, Majed Al-Fatiani, was recorded to have said "that it is our national obligation to be faithful to those before us who gave and sacrificed for Palestine, and they should be a beacon for us in our activities and in guarding the achievements and capabilities of our people.
This was said during a meeting at the Jericho district headquarters with the young women participating in the "Sisters of Dalal Mughrabi" summer camp from the Qalqilya district ... The director of the summer camp, Lana Nazzal, stated that the summer camp is organized by the Fatah movement, with the cooperation of the Women's Association of Qalqilya and the Farmer's Association, and that the camp is meant for youth between the ages of 16-30." (PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 16, 2012, translation in 'Fatah summer camp named after female terrorist Mughrabi, who led killing of 37 in bus hijacking,' PMW bulletin, July 17, 2012).
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